One of the biggest fallacies surrounding Candida is that you shouldn’t eat mushrooms because they are fungus. Medicinal mushrooms have been used for centuries in all parts of the world. Many are known and proven to be anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral. You only need to type in the name of the mushroom in question into’s search engine to see evidence of thousands of studies. Shitake, Maitake, Agaricus, Reishi, Cordyceps, Lion’s Mane are just a few popular species of medicinal mushrooms. Siberian Chaga tops the list for our needs as far as immunity and candida go.
Increasing NK activity is exactly what a person suffering from Candida needs to do. When the immune system is functioning properly it is much easier for the body to eliminate excessive bad bacteria and yeast. Mushrooms are pathogenic to yeast. They literally eat the yeast. It is not recommended to eat raw mushrooms or ones you have picked outdoors since these may be contaminated with heavy metals and possibly radiation which can cause illness and further worsening of your condition. Ideally mushrooms are put through an extraction process to draw out the potent phytonutrients mentioned above. This also ensures there are no toxins that could cause harm.
While I’ve seen success with other medicinal mushrooms, Chaga is unique in how it helps to reestablish the electrical grid, allowing the body to self-heal, function correctly and restore cellular communication. Melanin is a gene-protecting pigment that is found in high concentrations in Chaga. With the highest ORAC value known amongst food it has the ability to scavenge cancer-causing free radicals like nothing else. Chaga is also highly beneficial for radiation detox and is commonly used alongside radiation therapies in many countries so patients don’t have side effects.
As you probably know candida will wreak havoc with your organs, glands and immune system. All adaptogens can be useful since they know where to go in the body to do what is needed, whether that is the thyroid, the digestive system, the liver, the kidneys or skin. Adaptogens have been used for thousands of years but particularly in Traditional Chinese Medicine which has a long history of being effective. The doctor didn’t get paid if the patient wasn’t healed!
While I’ve seen success with other medicinal mushrooms, Chaga is unique in how it helps to reestablish the electrical grid, allowing the body to self-heal, function correctly and restore cellular communication. Melanin is a gene-protecting pigment that is found in high concentrations in Chaga. With the highest ORAC value known amongst food it has the ability to scavenge cancer-causing free radicals like nothing else. Chaga is also highly beneficial for radiation detox and is commonly used alongside radiation therapies in many countries so patients don’t have side effects.